IFA 2014: HARMAN stellt neues HD-Audio-System Harman Kardon Omni vor

Das erste drahtlose HD-Multi-Room-System, das Musik mit nur einem Tastendruck von Raum zu Raum überträgt

HARMAN International Industries announced a groundbreaking high-definition system for music streaming. Consisting of the two speakers Harman Kardon Omni and the wireless adapter Harman Kardon Wireless Adapt complements the new series any existing stereo system.

The flexible design and rich functionality are based on the regular wireless network standard. In combination mitaußerordentlicher sound quality so creates a wireless audio network for the home, that sounds perfect and particularly easy to set up and operate.

The Harman Kardon Omni is a system consisting of three products: These include both wireless HD-speaker Harman Kardon Harman Kardon Omni Omni 10 and 20 and the adapter Harman Kardon Adapt the existing stereos added to the wireless functionality. All products of the series Onmi use the Kabellostechnologien of Blackfire Research ™. Using Bluetooth interface and the Harman Kardon app can be any stream music seamlessly via the smartphone, as well as streaming services or other popular applications.

To adjust the Harman Kardon Omni versatile and to various personal circumstances, Harman offers an open interface for developers. Thus, specific apps and additional features can be integrated third party.

Unlike many other streaming products of Harman Kardon Harman Kardon Omni Omni 10 and 20 support the audio transmission in high definition quality with 24 bit / 96 kHz. Apart from the very simple operation of the wireless transmission system thus guarantees a sound quality that is well above the quality of CD playback.

The speaker Harman Kardon Harman Kardon Omni Omni 10 and 20 can be placed as individual speakers anywhere in the house and driven to play music. Alternatively, two speakers combine to a wireless stereo system - or complement each equal to five speakers into a full multi-channel system! Whether individually or in a group, the Harman Kardon Omni speakers give the user full flexibility in terms of listening pleasure and can be individually positioned so that no angle will be without music.

"The High Definition Audio System Harman Kardon Omni is currently the benchmark in terms of scalability, complementarity or personalizability playback," said Michael Mauser, CEO of HARMAN Lifestyle Division. "And this system does not require any compromises in terms of sound quality and modern design. The speakers in the Omni series and our wireless adapters make it possible. "

The Harman Kardon Adapt is the first true wireless High Definition adapter of its kind, which complements an existing stereo system. Based on the expertise and technologies of Harman closes the adapter bridges the gap between traditional hi-fi products and the wireless network and delivers it at the touch of pure, crystal-clear sound. With the combination of speakers and adapter sounded strong musical enjoyment in any room is possible in no time. The Harman Kardon Adapt allows you to play different songs in different rooms or it transfers the party mode with the same tracks in the entire house.

The establishment and control of the HD-audio system is convenient, seamless and without additional cables through the Harman Kardon app and a simple wireless connection. With automatic software updates and improvements to be played over the wireless network, the controller application is already focused on the future. Among the current features include Follow Me Audio , a feature in which the music accompanies the user as he goes from one room to the next. This also works when Bluetooth streaming of music via the smartphone. The command Speaker Control ensures a perfect start to any Party: When different streams are played in multiple rooms, a press of a button for an overview of the current track and the ability to choose a subset of the preferred song provides. Then a long button push, the party mode to start and enjoy in every room the same music. So the operation several rooms away is comfortable to handle.

When Harman Kardon HD-Audio system customization and personalization are at the center stage. Therefore, this system is the first of a series of products that can be supplemented by extensions from the Harman Developer Community (developer.harman.com). Starting this fall, members of the community access to the necessary software tools as well as additional resources and support services with which they develop, test and launch applications. All deals offer developers the ability to extend the HD Audio System by Harman, such as new play modes, additional settings for sound design or by additional streaming services.

Price and Availability:

More information about Harman Kardon Omni 10 (MSRP 199,00 EUR) and the Harman Kardon Omni 20 (RRP 299.00 EUR) and Harman Kardon Adapt (129.00 EUR), visit the website http: // de. harmankardon.com/ . All products are available in stores in November. 

Über Harman

Info zu HARMAN
HARMAN entwickelt, produziert und vermarktet ein breites Produktspektrum von Audio- und Infotainment-Lösungen für den Automotive-, Consumer- und Professional-Markt. Dank zahlreicher Premiummarken wie AKG®, Harman Kardon®, Infinity®, JBL®, Lexicon®, Mark Levinson® und Revel® zählt HARMAN zu den weltweit führenden Unternehmen in seinen Kundensegmenten. Das Unternehmen wird seit Generationen von Audiophilen weltweit geschätzt und rüstet einige der bekanntesten Künstler und Auftrittsorte mit seinen Produkten und Lösungen aus. Darüber hinaus zählt HARMAN auch zu den führenden Technologie- und Integrationsleistungsunternehmen für die Bereiche Automotive, Mobile, Telekommunikation und Enterprise-Lösungen. Mehr als 25 Millionen Autos auf den Straßen sind heute bereits mit HARMAN Audio- und Infotainment-Systemen ausgestattet. Die Softwarelösungen des Unternehmens treiben Milliarden von mobilen Endgeräten und Systemen an, die über alle Plattformen vernetzt, integriert, personalisiert, adaptiert und gesichert sind – egal ob zu Hause, in der Arbeit, im Auto oder unterwegs. HARMAN beschäftigt aktuell rund 25.000 Angestellte in Nord- und Südamerika, Europa und Asien und verzeichnete in den vergangenen zwölf Monaten einen Umsatz von 5,9 Milliarden US-Dollar (Ende März 2015). Weitere Informationen finden Sie unter www.harman.com.


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